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- About Us | MCH... Morris County Hospital
On this page... History Board of Directors MCH Foundation MCH Auxiliary About Us Morris County Hospital is a county‑owned, not-for‑profit, 21 bed critical access hospital located in historic Council Grove, Kansas. Personal, high tech care is available to all ages from the newborn to the elderly. We believe the support process is very important to the healing process and we encourage the patient and their family to be involved in decisions and care. Message from the Administration... Welcome to Morris County Hospital. We at Morris County Hospital are dedicated to providing quality healthcare, professionally and compassionately, with the latest in technology. As you navigate our web site you will learn about the quality care, highly trained and compassionate doctors, nurses, and other professional staff as well as the wide range of services that we offer. We are very proud to be recognized as one of the 32 top performing Critical Access Hospitals in the nation.There are 1,300 Critical Access Hospitals and we are ranked by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid as one of the top 32 based on National performance benchmarks. Morris County and the surrounding areas are very fortunate to have as wide a range of healthcare services and highly qualified professional staff available locally. We thank you for trusting us to care for you and your loved ones. Kevin A. Leeper CEO, Morris County Hospital Our History In 1917 the first hospital of Morris County was established by Dr. Bert Elba Miller. It was called the Council Grove Hospital. It was an old house remolded with 10 patient rooms and staffed by Dr. B. E. Miller and two nurses, Bell Benson, RN and Gladys Stillman, RN. Over the years Doctors James Woodmansee and C.C. Kerr joined him in practice in the county Dr. William McCunniff, Dr. Roy Drake, Dr. Robert W. Blackburn & Dr. B.A. Yost. On the hospitals first board of trustees appointed by the County Commissioners were Frank Warnica, George Blythe, W.E. Hembrow, and R.E. Griffith. An architect was hired July 1947 to draw plans for a hospital on North Washington Street, Council Grove. A petition circulated requesting that the county take over the Dr. Miller Hospital. F. D. Ferguson was instrumental in this petition and presented it to the County Commissioners, on October 11, 1948. The Commissioners rejected the request but reversed the decision in December 1948. The county took over the operations of the Council Grove Hospital (Dr. Miller’s Hospital) in January 1949. After 8 years of planning the Hospital on the hill was started. The project was to cost $419,885. May 1953 the hospital received $167,954 in Federal Funding and $253,375 in county funding. The ground breaking was held on May 25, 1953. The building was dedicated August 22, 1954 and patients were moved from the (Miller Hospital) Council Grove Hospital to the Morris County Hospital. Additions were added in 1958, 1978, 1994, 2001, 2006, and 2011. With the addition of physicians, the space was running out. There were great changes in technology in health care since the 1960’s. Back then, nearly all hospitals were 100 percent inpatient services. Times had changed; 80-85% of patients were treated as outpatients in 2000. On March 15, 2001 Ground Breaking Ceremony of the Morris County Hospital Renovation/Expansion Project was held for the largest expansion project. The renovation project estimated at 6.3 mil. took three years. In 2007, the Morris County Hospital became a Critical Access Hospital. In February 2007 the Foundation held a Capital Campaign. The Campaign funds to be used to purchase the Electronic Medical Records System, CT Scanner, Mammography Machine, PACS system (Picture Archival Computer System) MRI and an addition to the Family Health Center to accommodate the physicians, patients and staff. Morris County Hospital continues to keep up with modern technology and provide services at our hospital so patients don’t have to travel great distance for care and therapy. Board of Directors David Senne Chairman Steve Morgan Angela Harris Vice Chairman Rita Noll Heather Honas Secretary Marty Wright Morris County Hospital Foundation The Morris County Hospital Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, was founded in 1987 by the Morris County Hospital Board. The goal of the Foundation is to raise funds for the support of Morris County Hospital and its programs in Morris County and the surrounding areas. Since the beginning, the Foundation has purchased or built three satellite clinics, providing services in Alta Vista, White City, and Cottonwood Falls. The foundation has raised money for the hospital including the latest Emergency Room Expansion/Renovation Project 2018. This project also included the OB Rooms, two ADA Rooms, Helipad Ambulance, and a Secure Room. The Foundation is currently helping to raise funds for a 3D Mammography machine that we hope to purchase in 2023 for the Radiology department. MCH Foundation Mission Statement The Morris County Hospital Foundation is organized for the benefit of the Morris County Hospital. Learn More... Donation Form For more information on how to give a gift to the Morris County Hospital, contact the Executive Director, Stacy Zeigler. She would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to talk with you about these options for giving. You can reach her by email at or call 620-767-6811, ext. 148. Morris County Hospital Auxiliary The Morris County Hospital Auxiliary was founded in 1986. The goal was to make positive supporting contributions to the hospital and the community by helping assist the staff in providing the best patient care possible. MCH Auxiliary Mission Statement The purpose of the Morris County Hospital Auxiliary shall be to act as an advocate for the Morris County Hospital. The Auxiliary shall assist the Hospital Staff in promoting the health and welfare of the community and shall engage in fund raising activities to benefit the Hospital. What kind of activities & projects does the Auxiliary sponsor? Pediatric Projects Every child who is a patient at Morris County Hospital receives a pediatric bag with a stuffed toy or color books and crayons. The toy choice depends on age appropriateness. Scholarships The Auxiliary awards two scholarships to Morris County students who are pursuing careers in a medically related field such as Nursing, Lab, Radiology, Physical Therapy, Etc. Scholarship applications can be picked up from an auxiliary member at Morris County Hospital. Education Each year, the Auxiliary along with the hospital staff choose an educational topic to present to the community. Fund Raisers The Auxiliary raises money in order to buy items needed by the hospital through fund raising events throughout the year: Gift Shop - all proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to fund hospital projects. Bake-less Sale - you may make a donation instead of baking. R.A.D.A Cutlery Sales Who can join the Auxillary? You may call the hospital information desk or contact any Auxiliary member and they can provide you with information. The dues are $5.00 a year (payable to Membership Chairman). Meetings are held the last Monday of each month, at 9:30 a.m. in the Eberle Conference Room at the Morris County Hospital. Members and guests are always welcome to attend. For more information, or to become a member please call 620-767-6811.
- Billing & Payment | MCH... Morris County Hospital
On this page... Insurance Motor Accidents Workers Comp Standard Charges Billing Info Billing & Payment Information Pay Bill Here Click button to the left to get started. AblePay Health Program is a way that our patients can save up to 13% on their out-of-pocket medical expenses (deductibles and coinsurance). As a member, you have flexible payment options on every bill and the full support of AblePay’s billing experts if you have a question. The program is NO-COST and works with any primary health insurance, including Medicare. You can also include family members on your AblePay account. AblePay Customer Service Phone : 484-292-4000 AblePay Customer Service Email : Please feel free to contact us at 620-767-6811, ext 325 with questions. We accept payments by mail, phone, or in person as well. Quick Pay Payment Solution Pay Bill Here The link below provides another option for our patients to make online payments for their accounts here at MCH. Please follow the prompts as they will guide you through the process. Should you have any questions or issues with this payment solution please contact our office at 620-767-6811, extension 325. Paying for Your Care Thank you for choosing Morris County Hospital, we are pleased that you and your physician have chosen us to help with your medical needs. This information has been compiled to help assist you in understanding the process and responsibilities of billing for services and care while you or your loved ones have been here. Please be advised that in addition to a bill for our services, you may also receive a bill for other professional services while a patient here (i.e. from your physician, or consulting physicians, radiologist, etc.) Questions? Our Patient Accounts staff will be happy to respond to questions about your bill, insurance correspondence, or payments. To reach us call 620-767-6811, Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5 pm. Payment Arrangments If you need to make arrangements to pay your bill or help with securing a loan from a local bank, please contact our Patient Accounts individual at 620-767-6811 ext 325. Financial Assistance Morris County Hospital offers a Financial Assistance Program that provides medical care free for patients who qualify based upon income guidelines. For assistance please contact either Patient Accounts at 620-767-6811 ext 325. Application for Financial Assistance Insurance Insurance Requirements Before hospitalization or use of outpatient services, you are responsible for meeting any special requirements of your insurance plan, such as prior approval, referrals, pre-certification, or obtaining a second opinion. If you have insurance that requires you to contact your Primary Care Physician prior to going to the emergency room, you are responsible for calling your physician for approval. Most insurance plans have special steps which must be followed unless you are seeking treatment for a life-threatening condition. Referral forms must be submitted to your insurance company by your physician. In most cases, the hospital is not allowed to provide referral forms. Insurance plans are quite different and you need to know your plan requirements. If they are not met, your benefits can be greatly reduced or denied by your insurance company. For questions on the above issues, please consult your insurance company, or our Admissions Department at 620-767-6811 ext. 325. Insurance Filing Morris County Hospital will file your insurance claim for you. Because of special requirements by insurance companies and frequent changes in the requirements, it is necessary for us to have a copy of your current insurance card. When we file your insurance, we will send you a summary of the charges being filed, if you require an itemized bill, please contact us. We will ask your insurance company to send payment directly to the Morris County Hospital, allowing your insurance company time to process and pay your bill. If payment has not been received within six weeks of the filing date, you will be billed for the unpaid balance. Motor Vehicle Accidents If you sustain an injury associated with a motor vehicle accident you must provide Morris County Hospital with information on your motor vehicle insurance carrier. Please notify our billing department when a claim number has been assigned. You must report your injury to your own motor vehicle insurance carrier. Kansas law requires claims related to injuries occurring as a result of ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle to be filed with a motor vehicle insurance. Any claim for an injury arising from contact with a motor vehicle, even if the vehicle is not moving, must first be filed with your motor vehicle insurance. Most health insurance plans will not consider the claim until it has been filed with the motor vehicle insurance. Worker’s Compensation Injuries If you believe you have a work-related injury, you are required to provide Morris County Hospital with the name and address of your employer. You must report the accident to your employer within 24 hours. Failure to do so may result in loss of benefits. Health insurance plans generally will not pay claims determined to be work related. Morris County Hospital Standard Charges To improve price transparency, all U.S. hospitals and health systems are required to provide lists of standard hospital charges ― also called a chargemaster ― so patients can compare prices across hospitals. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind as you view the list of standard charges (chargemaster). These charges are rarely the price that patients pay. The chargemaster lists the dollar amount set for each service prior to insurance contract/benefit plan discounts or self-pay discounts being applied, so the price patients pay tends to be less than the standard charge. Hospital charges differ from patient to patient for the same service depending upon variations in treatment. Patients who are eligible for financial assistance also receive additional discounts. Items included in a charge vary across hospital systems. For example, what’s included in one hospital’s charge for room and board may differ from another hospital’s charge ― some hospitals bundle services together into a single charge that others may list separately. Looking at various hospital charges does not provide any indication of quality of service and outcomes. Price Transparency Tool & Information Video Instructions to use the Price Transparency Solution For the most accurate estimate of the cost of care, patients can contact Morris County Hospital at or call 620-767-6811 for assistance in understanding the charges and related costs for a procedure or visit. Kevin Leeper, CEO 620-767-6811, Extension 146 Ron Christenson, CFO 620-767-6811, Extension 120 Billing Information Morris County Hospital strives to serve you in an effective and efficient manner. We realize that financial concerns can add to the stress of any medical need. This information is supplied to assist you in settling your accounts. Office Hours: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Medical Bill Rights A summary statement of your account is mailed every four weeks. An itemized bill is available upon request. After all insurances have paid on the accounts, payment in full is requested. Payments on accounts can be made via cash, personal checks, or by money orders. For your convenience MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Card are also accepted. MCH is now offering online bill payments as well. Your account statements will indicate how to process those payment options. For self pay patients (those without any insurance coverage) we offer a 15% discount for payment in full upon receipt of the first statement. If you are not able to pay the balance of your account in full upon receipt of your first statement, please contact Patient Accounts at 620-767-6811 and ask for extension 325. For those individuals that qualify, Morris County Hospital has a Financial Assistance Policy to help patients that do not have the resources to pay for the healthcare services that they have received. Please contact Patient Accounts if you want to learn more about this policy. (Click here for Income guidelines and application for assistance. ) Should you believe that your insurance company has not paid in accordance with your health plan policy, please contact your insurance company before calling Morris County Hospital. Further Billing Questions? Call (620) 767-6811 Ext. 325 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30pm for Medicare, Blue Cross, and Medicaid All other insurance, including auto accidents and workers compensation or Private-pay accounts or to set up a payment plan on a current account
- MCH - Morris County Hospital | Rural Kansas Healthcare... We Care!
Morris County Hospital Healthcare Click here to self-enroll in our Patient Portal Beginning September 1, 2024 Copay will be collected at time of service Quick Links Services Locations Patient Portal Pay Bill Standard Charges HOME-Navigation-01-We HOME-Navigation-02-Primary HOME-Navigation-05-Specialty HOME-Navigation-01-We 1/5 Medical Professional and Stetoscope Blood Pressure Exam Brain Scan Medical Professional and Stetoscope 1/5 At Morris County Hospital, We are proud that Morris County Hospital stands as a beacon of healthcare excellence in the greater Council Grove area community. As a county-owned, not-for-profit hospital, our 21-bed critical access hospital is on a mission to provide personal, high-tech care to individuals of all ages, from the tiniest newborns to the wisest among us. At Morris County Hospital, patient-centered care isn't just a phrase; it's a way of life. Morris County Hospital understands that healthcare is not one-size-fits-all. Every patient is unique, and their medical needs vary. That's why we are dedicated to offering personalized care to individuals across the lifespan. Whether you're a new parent seeking care for your newborn or a senior citizen requiring specialized attention, our skilled healthcare professionals are here to meet your needs. In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, staying up-to-date with the latest medical technology is paramount. At Morris County Hospital, we take pride in our commitment to high-tech care. From advanced diagnostic equipment to cutting-edge treatment options, we leverage technology to enhance the quality of care we deliver. This ensures that patients receive the most effective and efficient treatment available. We recognize that the healing process extends beyond medical treatment. The support process is just as crucial, and that's why we actively encourage the involvement of both patients and their families in the decision-making and care processes. This collaborative approach fosters trust, open communication, and a sense of empowerment among patients and their loved ones. It ensures that healthcare decisions are made with the patient's best interests in mind and that the patient's voice is heard every step of the way. Morris County Hospital named a Chartis ‘Top 100 Critical Access Hospital in 2023 , embodies the spirit of community-driven healthcare. Our dedication to personal, high-tech care for all ages, coupled with our emphasis on patient and family involvement, sets us apart as a healthcare provider who truly cares about the well-being of our patients. In historic Council Grove, where the past meets the future, Morris County Hospital stands as a pillar of health and healing. With our unwavering commitment to personalized care and cutting-edge technology, Morris County Hospital continues to be a beacon of hope and a source of comfort for the residents of this cherished community. We are here for you from the start to manage your health with clinical expertise and personal care because, at Morris County Hospital, we care. ♥️ MCH Upcoming Events No events at the moment MCH Latest News Read more news jnthibodeaux 2 days ago 1 min read Health Information Exchange changes We are pleased to provide our patients with the opportunity to participate in Health Information Exchange (HIE). An HIE provides their... 2 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked rgensman Sep 24, 2024 1 min read 2024 Community Health Assessment Thank you to those that participated in the 2024 Community Health Assessment for Chase and Morris Counties. Please see the attached... 30 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked jnthibodeaux Aug 16, 2024 1 min read Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage With Medicare enrollment just around the corner, October 15th through December 7th, it is important to understand the options available... 22 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked
- Public Health Department | MCH... Morris County Hospital
MCH Public Health Department MCH Public Health is committed to working in partnership with our community to prevent, promote, and protect the optimal health and well-being of all Morris and Chase County residents. We aim to provide the services necessary to give our residents the opportunity to enjoy good health in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. MCH Radiology Department Hours Monday through Friday from 7:00am – 5:00pm Your scheduled start time will be dependent on the type of service you need. We are staffed on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency needs. For more detailed information, review your service below or contact us 620-767-6811 ext. 121 Our Radiology Services CT Scan (Computed Tomography) Computed Tomography is a sophisticated form of x-ray imaging that provides pictures of the body in a series of slices. A CT scan shows clear images of bone, internal organs, muscles and blood vessels which allows doctors to distinguish between normal, diseased, or injured tissue. Learn More DEXA Scan (Bone Density) DEXA scans measure your bone density with a low dose of radiation, which is interpreted by sophisticated computer analysis. Your test results will assist your physician in determining whether you need treatment for bone loss. Learn More Diagnostic Radiology An x-ray image is produced when a small amount of radiation passes through the body. Your provider may order an x-ray to help diagnose an injury or disease in nearly any part of the body. Learn More Mammography This procedure uses very low doses of radiation to obtain images of the breasts, allowing doctors to detect small cancers even before they can be felt. Learn More MRI MRI provides excellent images without radiation exposure by using a super conductive electromagnet, radio waves and sophisticated computer software to generate and enhance images. The result is an unprecedented view of internal organs, body structure and systems which provide detailed images needed to make an accurate diagnosis. Learn More Nuclear Medicine Nuclear medicine comprises diagnostic examinations that result in images of body anatomy and function. The images are developed based on the detection of energy emitted from a radioactive substance given to the patient, either intravenously or by mouth. Generally, radiation to the patient is similar to that resulting from standard x-ray examinations. Learn More Ultrasound Ultrasound uses a hand-held probe to send high frequency sound waves into your body, then sophisticated software displays an image of the body’s interior by the rate at which the echoes return to the probe. Learn More We offer online sharing of your medical images using Nuance Powershare. This service allows us to share images with your provider in a secure and convenient way! All imaging will be sent to the physicians of Manhattan Radiology to be read and reported. Your ordering provider will have your report within 24 to 48 hours. Your provider should contact you with your results. All services require a written order from a physician in good standing and licensed to practice medicine in the State of Kansas. Manhattan Radiology Staff All imaging services offered by Morris County Hospital Radiology are read by the board-certified radiologists of Manhattan Radiology. Kelly Ivester MD Medical Degree: Mercer University School of Medicine 2000 Internship & Residency: Baptist Medical Center, Birmingham, AL 2005 Fellowship: Tulane University Hospital 2006 American Board of Radiology certified 2005 Started with Manhattan Radiology in 2006 Curtis Mick MD Medical Degree: University of Kansas School of Medicine 2010 Residency: University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City KS 2015 American Board of Radiology certified 2016 Started with Manhattan Radiology in 2015 Greg Welle MD Medical Degree: University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Minneapolis, MN 1989 Internship & Residency: Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA 1994 Military Service: Army (1989-1997) Previous experience: IACH 1994-1997 American Board of Radiology certified 1994 Started with Manhattan Radiology in 1996 Hannah Olson MD Medical Degree: University of Kansas School of Medicine 2019 Internship: UMKC School of Medicine, 2020 Residency: UMKC School of Medicine, 2024 Started with Manhattan Radiology in 2024 Matthew Gish MD Medical Degree: University of Kansas School of Medicine 2004 Internship: University of Tennessee 2005 Residency: Baptist Memorial Hospital, Memphis, TN 2009 American Board of Radiology certified 2009 Started with Manhattan Radiology in 2009 MANHATTAN RADIOLOGY CONTACT INFO Phone: 785-539-7641 Address: 1133 College Ave STE C143, Manhattan, KS 66502 Website: MCH Radiology Staff Corky Messer Deanna Buttrey Teri Stuart Kirstin Friesen, RT, R, CT, ARRT, LRT Misty Burnett Emily Spittles Bailey Buttrey, RT, R, MR Theresa Handley, RT, R, CT Brian Weber, RDCS Jeremy Martin, CNMT Brian Phipps, CNMT Charles “Charlie” Helton, CCI, RVS Mark True, RVT, RDMS, RSC
- Council Grove | MCH... Morris County Hospital
On this page... Morris County Hospital MCH Medical Clinic Morris County Health Department Council Grove, Kansas Morris County Hospital Address 600 North Washington Street Council Grove, KS 66846 Contact phone (620) 767-6811 emergency 911 fax (620) 767-5611 email Front Entrance / Visitor Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00 am – 8:30 pm 6:00 am – 8:30 pm 6:00 am – 8:30 pm 6:00 am – 8:30 pm 6:00 am – 8:30 pm 6:00 am – 8:30 pm 6:00 am – 8:30 pm Emergency Room Open 24-hours MCH Medical Clinic Services include... Primary Care, Wellness/Preventative Care, Cardiology, Women’s Health, Gynecology, Family Planning, Pediatric Care, D.O.T. Exams, Pain Management, work related services, shots and vaccinations, dermatology treatment and biopsies, eye exams, home sleep study, suturing and more. Address 604 North Washington Street Council Grove, KS 66846 Contact phone (620) 767-5126 emergency 911 fax (620) 767-6910 (620) 767-5611 email Hours of Operation Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 7:30 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 7:30 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Closed Closed Extended Hours (by appointment only) MCH Medical Clinic Providers Lora A. Siegle MD, RHC Medical Director Sydnee P. Nelson MD Melanie S. Byram MD Brett A. Siegle MD Deborah Benning PA-C Daniel Samani MD Haley Morgan FNP Morris County Health Department Services include... Immunizations, WIC Nutrition Program, Child Passenger Safety, Family Planning, Breastfeeding Education, Healthy Start Home Visitor, Environmental Health, Senior Services, Nail Care, Testing Services, Special Health Care Needs and more. Address 221 Hockaday Street Council Grove, KS 66846 Contact phone (620) 767-5175 emergency 911 fax (620) 767-6880 email Office Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Closed Closed Closed Extended Hours (by appointment only) Morris County Health Department Staff Jamie Johnson Director
- Diagnostic Radiology | MCH... Morris County Hospital
MCH Radiology Department Diagnostic Radiology An x-ray image is produced when a small amount of radiation passes through the body. Your provider may order an x-ray to help diagnose an injury or disease in nearly any part of the body. Optimal health depends on an accurate diagnosis and preventative treatment. That’s why our providers rely on us for bone density analysis. In 2021, in order to provide an overall better patient experience, MCH upgraded our entire X-ray Room to a versatile digital radiographic system! General X-ray Hours General x-ray is available Monday-Friday, 7am - 5pm We are staffed on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency needs A scheduled appointment is preferred but not required. Special Procedures Hours In addition to general x-ray, we also perform specialty exams such as joint injections and arthrograms. Special Procedures are available Tuesday & Friday mornings when a Radiologist is present. An appointment is required for these exams and start time is dependent on the exam being performed. Procedures... In addition to general x-ray, we also perform specialty exams such as joint injections and arthrograms. We offer online sharing of your medical images using Nuance Powershare. This service allows us to share images with your provider in a secure and convenient way! All imaging will be sent to the physicians of Manhattan Radiology to be read and reported. Your ordering provider will have your report within 24 to 48 hours. Your provider should contact you with your results. All services require a written order from a physician in good standing and licensed to practice medicine in the State of Kansas. Return to MCH Radiology Department Return to All MCH Services
- All Services | MCH... Morris County Hospital
Services & Clinics This page contains the complete list of forms for Morris County Hospital. Professionals are available to assure confidential care of your medical records and proper certification of your hospital stay. Use the following drop-down list to filter your results... Filter Services & Clinics Aquatic Therapy More Info Experienced therapists are waiting to help in a state-of-the-art facility featuring: Underwater camera system, Assisted entrance and exit, Temperature controlled environment, Removable floor for depth control, and water currents with variable speed. Offered at: MCH Rehab Center, Morris County Hospital Assisted Living More Info The Morris County Assisted Living, through teamwork and a strong belief in healthy lifestyles, will provide compassionate, professional, and consistent care to the people we serve. We demand the highest standard of care and strive to provide a family centered atmosphere. Offered at: MCH Assisted Living Blood Draws, Outpatient More Info If you need your blood sugar, cholesterol, or liver enzymes checked, the MCH can provide quick results... by registered laboratory technologists and technicians. Offered at: Morris County Hospital, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City Blood Sugar Testing More Info Our healthcare team will need to use a hospital-approved blood glucose meter to check your blood sugar level. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Blood Transfusions More Info Our lab ensures that blood and blood products are available. Blood can be given in a non-emergent setting by our nursing staff with your physician’s order. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Bone Density Testing (DEXA) More Info DEXA scans measure your bone density with a low dose of radiation, which is interpreted by sophisticated computer analysis. Your test results will assist your physician in determining whether you need treatment for bone loss. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Breastfeeding Education More Info Morris County Health Department offers pregnant women, new mothers, and their families an opportunity to learn all they need to know about breastfeeding. Certified breastfeeding educators are available to help families prepare for the breastfeeding experience by providing information on how breastfeeding works, how to get started, and how to solve problems that may arise. Call 620-767-5175 for Breastfeeding Support. Offered at: Morris County Health Department CT Scan (Computed Tomography) More Info Computed Tomography is a sophisticated form of x-ray imaging that provides pictures of the body in a series of slices. A CT scan shows clear images of bone, internal organs, muscles and blood vessels which allows doctors to distinguish between normal, diseased, or injured tissue. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Cardiac Nuclear Stress Testing More Info A nuclear stress test is a procedure that checks the blood flow to the heart and how well your heart is beating. You will receive a small, safe amount of radioactive medication that circulates to the heart muscle. A special camera is used to measure how well this medication spreads throughout the heart. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation More Info The Cardiac Rehabilitation program has been certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The Morris County Hospital program is one of 17 facilities in the State of Kansas that is certified. Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive education and exercise program designed for patients with specific heart conditions. The program requires a physician’s order with a documented diagnosis of one of the following: heart or heart/lung transplant, stable angina, post open heart surgery, heart valve repair/replacement, post heart attack or MI, PTCA or coronary stenting. The exercise and education program is customized to each individual patient, based on the patient’s physical fitness needs, and lasts 6 to 12 weeks. Offered at: Morris County Hospital, MCH Rehab Center Cardiology More Info Cardiology is a branch of medicine that concerns diseases and disorders of the heart, which may range from congenital defects through to acquired heart diseases such as coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure. Chen H. Chow, MD based in Topeka at Cotton-O’Neil Heart Center, call 785-270-4000 to schedule. H.R. Boolani, MD at St. Francis Heart & Vascular Center, call 785-233-9643 call to schedule. P.S. Ranaweera, MD at Manhattan, call 785-370-0183 to schedule. They are here: Once a Month (days vary, depends on appointments scheduled) Offered at: Morris County Hospital Catheter Changes, Outpatient More Info The catheter itself will need to be removed and replaced at least every 3 months. This will usually be done by a doctor or nurse. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Chemotherapy Support Services More Info Morris County Hospital offers many services that assist you during your chemotherapy. Including discontinuing chemotherapy pumps and giving common injections post chemotherapy. IV fluids and nausea medications can also be given. This service is obtained by having your oncologist contact us. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Child Passenger Safety More Info Morris County Health Department offers car seat installation and education by a Certified Passenger Safety Technician. The car seat installation experience is an interactive one. As the caregiver, you should leave confident that your child’s seat is installed correctly AND that you are comfortable reinstalling and using it correctly. To ensure that you have the best experience you should prepare for an education. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Convenient Care More Info Convenient Care is located through the Hospital’s East side entrance. Please let the admissions clerk know if you are here for Convenient Care or an Emergency Room visit. Once registered, a triage nurse and/or physician will perform an initial assessment to determine if your medical condition qualifies for Convenient Care. If your condition is more serious, you will be offered Emergency Care. Convenient Care is billed similar to a provider visit and you may be charged a co-pay the day of treatment based on your insurance requirements. It is our desire to serve you in timely and efficient manner however, your treatment becomes secondary to patients in the Emergency Department as it is critical for staff to treat those with severe conditions first. Some Emergency Room treatments include: Chest pain Loss of consciousness, Head injury, Asthma attack, Seizure Shortness of breath, Vehicle accident, Fall, Eye injury, Severe bleeding, Severe abdominal pain, Signs of potential stroke Some Convenient Care treatments include: Painful urination Rashes, skin issues Mild flu-like symptoms Cough, congestion, sore throat symptoms, Ear pain, Mild allergic reactions, Minor suturing, Sprains, Minor joint pain, Migraine, Nosebleed, Back or muscle pain Hours: Monday thru Friday: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Saturdays: 9:00AM – 3:00 PM Sundays: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Please call Morris County Hospital if you have any questions: 620-767-6811 ext. 111 Offered at: Morris County Hospital Diagnostic Radiology More Info An x-ray image is produced when a small amount of radiation passes through the body. Your provider may order an x-ray to help diagnose an injury or disease in nearly any part of the body. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Dietary More Info The Dietary Department is pleased to serve a wide array of dietary needs and therapeutic diets for our patients. Upon admission, your physician will order a specific diet to meet your special needs. Our staff, including a consulting Registered Dietitian, are trained to provide therapeutic diets while taking into consideration your personal likes and dislikes, allergy restrictions, religious preferences and other special needs you may have. We are also happy to provide guest trays for visiting family and friends at a fee. If you desire a tray, please notify the nurses station prior to meal service. The guest tray will be delivered with the patient tray for in-room dining. Offered at: MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City EKG's, Outpatient More Info An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) records the electrical signal from the heart to check for different heart conditions. Electrodes are placed on the chest to record the heart's electrical signals, which cause the heart to beat. The signals are shown as waves on an attached computer monitor or printer. Offered at: Morris County Hospital EMS Emergency Medical Services More Info Morris County EMS offers Emergency Medical Services 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Staffed with full-time Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians, EMS is ready to handle any medical or trauma emergency. MCEMS has 16 First Responder staff located throughout the county to provide immediate first aid to emergencies occurring some distance from the station. Areas covered by first responders include Alta Vista, Dwight, White City, and Council Grove. Additionally EMS provides First Aid and CPR training to area Fire Departments and Law Enforcement. EMS has equipped 6 area Fire Departments with Automated External Defibrillators to provide CPR and defibrillation to cardiac arrest victims in a more timely manner. These departments include Alta Vista, Dwight, White City, Delavan, Wilsey, and Dunlap. Equipped with the best available technology and training, Morris County EMS can provide cutting edge care to every medical and trauma emergency. Treatment for your emergency can begin sooner and safer by calling 911 than seeking medical attention on your own. Our department provides over 80 hours of continuing education every year to include emergency driver training, Advanced Cardiac Life Support,12- Lead Electrocardiogram training, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Hazardous Material training, CPR, Advance Airway Management,Advance Medical and Trauma Emergency training. CPR Classes: If you would like to inquire about CPR Class, please contact our EMS Department 620-767-5398. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Emergency Care More Info Morris County Hospital Emergency Room treats patients of all ages. Our Physicians, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), Physician Assistants, and Registered Nurses provide 24- hour care for emergency needs such as... - Chest pain - Slurred Speech - Weakness or numbness - Difficulty breathing or swallowing - Seizures - Head injury - Concussion or confusion - Serious accident - Broken bones - Pain that is unbearable - Bleeding - Illness or injury that needs immediate care. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Environmental Health More Info The role of environmental health is to oversee and insure that a community has clean water, proper removal and treatment of sewage, proper management of waste, and food protection. Disease control surveillance is preformed in conjunction with the Department of Health and Environment Water testing and waste water inspections by Geary County Health Department. For available services and fees, please contact Lisa Davies at (785) 762-5788 ext 132. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Family Planning More Info The family planning program constitutes primary care for many of the clients served. A complete health history is taken on each client followed by a physical assessment, including Pap smear, urinalysis, screening for anemia, hypertension, and abnormal conditions of the breast and cervix as indicated. Pregnancy testing and appropriate counseling is available. Information regarding early and continuous prenatal care is provided if the pregnancy test and/or exam findings are positive for pregnancy. Morris County Health Department offers a variety of contraceptive methods including abstinence, condoms, oral contraceptive pills, IUDs, Nexplanon, and hormone injections. Instructions concerning effectiveness, proper use, indications/precautions, risks, benefits, possible minor side effects, and potential life threatening complications of contraceptive methods is provided. Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases are a part of the initial and annual visits. Immunization status is routinely addressed. Services are offered by providers from MCH Medical Clinics with assistance from public health nurses. If problems are discovered during the course of the assessments which are beyond the scope of the clinics, appropriate referrals will be made by the health care provider. Clients are seen on an appointment basis to minimize waiting periods. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Family Practice More Info Family practice is the medical specialty concerned with the total health care of the individual and the family. Family Medicine integrates the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences and is not limited by the patient's age or sex, organ system, or disease entity. Melanie Byram, MD is at the MCH Clinic on Monday and Tuesday’s and at the Chase County Clinic on Wednesday’s. Sydnee Nelson, MD is at the Chase County Clinic on Tuesday morning and at the MCH Clinic as needed. Please call to schedule: MCH Clinic (620-767-5126) or Chase County Clinic (620-273-6131). Offered at: MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City General Surgery More Info General surgery is a broad range of surgical procedures on soft tissues, anything from excising small skin lesions and cysts up to larger cases like colectomies (removal of some or all of the colon), procedures on the bowel and liver including gallbladder removal, and complex hernia repairs. Mark Wolfe, MD can be seen at the MCH Clinic. To schedule call the Surgery Department at Morris County Hospital 620-767-6811. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Health Wise Support Group More Info "Healthy is Wise" - Health education and prevention are the main focus of this program. The Lunch Bunch will meet monthly, third Wednesday of every month, 12 pm. to 1 p.m., to learn about and discuss a variety of health topics. Some of the topics are: Living a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle, Eating to Reduce Pain & Inflammation, and Boosting Your Immunity. The presentations are free to the community, there is a cost of $6.00 if you would like to have lunch with us. You must RSVP to attend, as there are limited seats to attend. If you have any questions or would like to participate, RSVP by contacting Stacy Zeigler at 620-767-6811 ext 148. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Healthy Start Home Visitor More Info The Healthy Start Home Visitor Program provides education and support to pregnant women and families with a baby (birth through one year and beyond). It is designed to give children a healthy start in life and help you enjoy being a parent. Visitors will help you with information on... - Parent-child relationships - Community resources - Health care and child health assessments - Prevention of child injuries and accidents - Child development - Immunizations - Planning for a healthier pregnancy - Encourage and aid you in filling out forms for assistance - Supplemental food for women, infants and children (WIC) - Life-style change programs-stop smoking, alcohol and drug abuse - Financial help- emergency food, food stamps, health care and emergency assistance - How to obtain licensed childcare or babysitting - Family planning - Other available community services to help you provide the best for your family. Home visitors are mothers themselves who have been trained to help other mothers with their concerns. Home visitors work with public nurses who may also make home visits as needed. Offered at: Morris County Health Department I.V. Therapy More Info Trained nursing staff administer the medication in a comfortable setting. I.V. Therapy enables a patient to avoid an inpatient stay. This type of treatment is primarily for Infections. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Immunizations More Info A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation. Child & adult immunizations available. Call the Morris County Health Department or your local Medical Clinic for appointment Offered at: Morris County Health Department, MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City Injections, Outpatient More Info MCH offers monthly or yearly infusion and injection therapy treatment for chronic conditions. Learn how we can help relieve your symptoms. Contact us today. Offered at: MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City Laboratory More Info The laboratory of Morris County Hospital is a full service laboratory offering diagnostic testing in the areas of hematology, chemistry, serology, coagulation, blood bank, microbiology, and urinalysis. We are the primary laboratory for the MCH Medical Clinics: Council Grove, Chase County, Alta Vista and White City. The laboratory is continually striving to offer quality patient care by using the most current technologically advanced instruments available. The laboratory is staffed by Medical Technologists certified by The American Society of Clinical Pathologist's and American Medical Technologist. The Laboratory is under the direction of Peterson Laboratory Services, of Manhattan, Kansas. October 2020 Announcement - Morris County Hospital is very pleased to make available a short but popular list of lab tests at a very steeply discounted CASH price, if paid for at time of specimen draw. We know this has been a financially and socially trying year for so many of you, and one thing that has been sacrificed during this year of pandemic condition, is the access to Health Fairs in your respective Communities. It is during these events that MCH has historically offered inexpensive lab testing to help defray your cost of an annual physical. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Lead Levels Testing More Info A simple blood test can detect lead poisoning. A small blood sample is taken from a finger prick or from a vein. Offered at: Morris County Health Department MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) More Info MRI provides excellent images without radiation exposure by using a super conductive electromagnet, radio waves and sophisticated computer software to generate and enhance images. The result is an unprecedented view of internal organs, body structure and systems which provide detailed images needed to make an accurate diagnosis. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Mammography More Info This procedure uses very low doses of radiation to obtain images of the breasts, allowing doctors to detect small cancers even before they can be felt Offered at: Morris County Hospital Nail Care More Info Morris County Health Department offers regular nail cutting, trimming, and filing for those hard to cut or hard to reach toenails. Services are available for diabetics and those with circulatory problems. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Nephrology More Info Nephrologists specialize in conditions that affect your kidneys. A nephrologist is the best doctor to treat you if you have a condition that affects your kidneys or kidney function. A urologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect your urinary system. Fadi V. Bedros, MD based out of Manhattan call to schedule 785-565-9500. Offered at: MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City Nuclear Medicine More Info Nuclear medicine comprises diagnostic examinations that result in images of body anatomy and function. The images are developed based on the detection of energy emitted from a radioactive substance given to the patient, either intravenously or by mouth. Generally, radiation to the patient is similar to that resulting from standard x-ray examinations. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Obstetrics & Gynecology OB/GYN More Info Obstetrics involves care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Gynecology deals with reproductive health and the functions and diseases specific to women and girls. Offered at: MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City Occupational Therapy More Info In its simplest terms, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations). Offered at: MCH Rehab Center, Morris County Hospital Ophthalmology More Info Ophthalmology is the specialized field of medicine that focuses on the health of the eye. It includes the anatomy, physiology and diseases that may affect the eye. Historically, the science of ophthalmology encompassed all aspects of visual function, both in health and in illness. Michael G. Reynolds, MD based out of Emporia is here: Fourth Wednesday of the month. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Orthopedics More Info Orthopedics focuses on treating the musculoskeletal system. This system comprises muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. A person who specializes in orthopedics is known as an orthopedist. Daniel Samani, MD will be at the MCH Clinic every other Tuesday. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Pain Management More Info Chronic pain can affect the way you experience every aspect of your life. Perhaps your pain keeps you from participating in activities you once loved. For some, medications that are often prescribed to treat chronic pain make you numb to the world or too sleepy to reengage in your day-to-day routines. At MCH Pain Relief Center, we are here to help. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to pain management, combining the talents of our expert physicians, chiropractors, and/or therapists to treat the source of your pain, not just manage your symptoms. Our familiar local hospital and caring staff provide the latest in pain treatments for back pain, neck pain, headaches, arthritis, and more to ensure your safety, comfort, and speedy recovery. If you have been suffering from a painful condition, do not suffer in silence. Please call us today to schedule an initial consultation and find out for yourself the many ways we can help you feel better. For appointments call: 620-767-5126. Referral through your Primary Care Physician. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Physical Therapy More Info Broadly, physical therapy involves the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of “movement dysfunctions”. A PT will examine patients and develop treatment plans that promote mobility, pain reduction, restoration, and prevention. Offered at: MCH Rehab Center, Morris County Hospital Pregnancy Testing More Info MCH offers HCG urine tests for quick pregnancy test results. Learn about early pregnancy symptoms, how pregnancy tests work and more. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Pulmonary Rehabilitation & Diagnostic Center More Info Pulmonary rehabilitation is a core component of the medical management of individuals with chronic lung diseases. Our program is physician-directed and provides an individualized treatment plan to significantly improve patient’s health-related quality of life, and reduce exacerbations and the costs associated with their healthcare. We treat pulmonary conditions including COPD, COVID–19, Cancer of the Lung, Chronic Bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Emphysema, Asthma, Pneumoconiosis, and more. We offer a comprehensive system of services that includes progressive exercises coupled with education, counseling, and behavioral change interventions. HOURS: Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Services require a physician referral, so speak to your physician to determine if this service is right for you. *Medicare and most private insurance companies cover respiratory care and pulmonary rehabilitation services. Vanessa Kitchens, RRT Phone: 620-767-6811 ext.114 Offered at: Morris County Hospital Radiology More Info A new Optima 360 Advanced MRI scanner is now available at Morris County Hospital. The new MRI Suite is spacious and beautiful and offers a pleasing design to help alleviate the claustrophobia seen in many MRI patients. The 1.5.T Magnet is designed to increase patient comfort and enhance clinical versatility with a broad array of state of the art clinical applications. The Magnet is equipped with software to help alleviate artifacts and improve motion on the images. The MRI will improve services and is important to our hospital and our community. Having an In house MRI readily available will strengthen and build the Imaging Department and the community by providing the services we need at home. For more detailed information, contact our Radiology Department at 620-767-6811. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Rehab Center More Info Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy in Council Grove Whether you require therapy following an injury, accident or surgery, or need treatment for a medical condition, Morris County Hospital Rehab Center in Council Grove has trained and certified specialists on staff to assist you. Our therapists are up to date on the most current techniques and evidence based practices. Offered at: MCH Rehab Center, Morris County Hospital STI Testing More Info Confidential STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV and Syphilis. Treatment and counseling available for those that test positive. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Senior Services More Info Case management by North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging. Medicaid, Senior Care Act, & Older Americans Act provides personal care and homemaker services to people over 60. Services are supported by the Kansas Department on Aging. Private pay services are available as well. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Sleep Study More Info The Recently Accredited Sleep Study Service at Morris County Hospital provides state of the art evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders for adults in a caring environment in order to improve the quality of life for those in our community. Our goal is to educate the general public on the importance and potentially serious consequences of untreated sleep apnea and sleep disorders. Our sleep professionals are ready to help you get a good night’s rest. Contact your Primary Care Physician and request a sleep study at Morris County Hospital. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Special Health Care Needs More Info The Kansas Special Health Care Needs (SHCN) program provides specialty medical services to infants, children and youth up to age 21 who have eligible medical conditions and persons of all ages with metabolic or genetic conditions screened through the Newborn Screening Program. For more information call the Health Department. Offered at: Morris County Health Department Speech Therapy More Info Speech-language pathologists assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent speech, language, cognitive, communication, voice, swallowing, fluency, and other related disorders. Offered at: MCH Rehab Center, Morris County Hospital Swing Beds More Info Morris County Hospital offers swing bed and skilled nursing programs to patients who qualify for a longer stay in a hospital in order to recover following surgery or an illness such as follows... - In-patient rehabilitation for physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy. - Wound care needs - IV medication administration The requirements needed to meet swing bed admission... For Medicare or Medicaid enrollees: Must have had 3+ consecutive day stay in an acute care hospital within the last 30 days, excluding 23-hour observation stay. Requires a skilled nursing need that is related to the condition which was treated or arose during stay. Physician and staff documentation must be present to support skilled need. Medicare beneficiaries are responsible for their co-insurance amount from 21st to 100th day of skilled or swing bed stay. For Private insurance: Pre-certification from insurance company to determine eligibility for swing bed stay, for a predetermined time period. Offered at: Morris County Hospital, MCH Rehab Center Ultrasound More Info Ultrasound uses a hand-held probe to send high frequency sound waves into your body, then sophisticated software displays an image of the body’s interior by the rate at which the echoes return to the probe. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Urology More Info Urology is a part of health care that deals with diseases of the male and female urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra). Felipe Rosso, MD based out of Manhattan is here: Once a month. Offered at: Morris County Hospital Vital Stim Therapy More Info Vital Stim Therapy is used in conjunction with traditional oral motor exercises in order to strengthen swallowing muscles and improve overall swallow function. Often times, patients regain their swallowing ability faster and more thoroughly than with traditional dysphagia techniques. Offered at: MCH Rehab Center WIC Nutrition Program More Info WIC is a nutrition program that provides nutrition and health education, healthy food and other services to Kansas families who qualify. WIC’s goal is to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, new moms, and kids under age 5 healthy. To do this, WIC provides: WIC also offers immunization screening and referral, breastfeeding support, and nutrition and health classes on a variety of topics including meal planning, maintaining a healthy weight, picky eaters, caring for a new baby, shopping on a budget and much more. Applicants must live in Kansas, meet income guidelines, and have an identified nutrition/medical risk factor. - Personalized nutrition information and support - Checks to buy healthy food - Tips for eating well to improve health - Referrals for services that can benefit the whole family Offered at: Morris County Health Department Women’s Health Physical Therapy More Info Women’s health physical therapy encompasses a variety of health care issues specific to women and the reproductive system. Morris County Hospital Rehab Center Women’s Health program focuses treatment on specific needs of women in order to help them regain their well-being and active lives. Offered at: MCH Rehab Center, Morris County Hospital Wound Care More Info Wound care can be performed on simple to complex wounds. Trained nursing staff will work with your physician to help plan the best treatment of your wound. Wounds are measured and photographed weekly to evaluate effectiveness of the treatment. Offered at: MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic Chase County, MCH Clinic White City End of Services (Back to Top)
- DEXA | MCH... Morris County Hospital
MCH Radiology Department Dexa (Bone Density) DEXA scans measure your bone density with a low dose of radiation, which is interpreted by sophisticated computer analysis. Your test results will assist your physician in determining whether you need treatment for bone loss. Optimal health depends on an accurate diagnosis and preventative treatment. That’s why our providers rely on us for bone density analysis. Hours A scheduled appointment is required. Frequently Asked Questions... What to Expect During a Bone Density Exam... A bone densitometry exam is simple and painless. You’ll lie down on a padded table, relax, and breathe normally while a mechanical arm passes above your hip and spine. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes How Do I Prepare for a Bone Density Exam? Wear a comfortable two-piece outfit without metal zippers, snaps or under-wire bras. Bone densitometry should be scheduled at least a week after any procedure involving barium (upper GI series, small bowel series or barium enema). We offer online sharing of your medical images using Nuance Powershare. This service allows us to share images with your provider in a secure and convenient way! All imaging will be sent to the physicians of Manhattan Radiology to be read and reported. Your ordering provider will have your report within 24 to 48 hours. Your provider should contact you with your results. All services require a written order from a physician in good standing and licensed to practice medicine in the State of Kansas. Return to MCH Radiology Department Return to All MCH Services
- Cardiac Rehabilitation | MCH Rehab Center
MCH Rehab Center Cardiac Rehabilitation What is Cardiac Rehabilitation? Cardiac Rehabilitation is an individualized and personalized treatment plan designed for patients with specific heart conditions. Cardiac Rehab will include evaluation and instruction on physical activity, nutrition, stress management, and other health-related areas. *Recent scientific studies have shown that people who complete a cardiac rehabilitation program can increase their life expectancy by up to five years. What our program offers... Beginning and maintaining a personalized exercise plan that works for you. Monitoring and improved control of blood pressure, lipids/cholesterol, and/or diabetes. Assessment of your personal risk factors for heart and blood vessel disease. Psychological/stress assessment and counseling. Education and support to make healthy lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, heart-healthy eating, and avoiding tobacco & environmental smoke Why would a physician refer a patient to cardiac rehab? If you have one or more of the following diagnoses, you may be eligible to participate: Heart Attack Angina Coronary Artery Angioplasty or Stents Open Heart Surgery such as Coronary Bypass or Valve Surgery Heart Failure Heart Transplantation What types of exercise are patients expected to do? A patient's exercise program is individualized according to his or her current physical fitness level, which may be determined through evaluation at the initial visit. The exercise program will consist of progressive aerobic exercise and strengthening guided by the physical therapist generally 3x/ week for 6-12 weeks. The cardiac nurse will provide continuous monitoring of the heart and vital statistics throughout each treatment. What does a patient need to do to make rehab successful? A major step towards recovery is getting started in MCH's Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Make attending the scheduled sessions a priority. Face risk factors head-on and modify them. Keep a positive attitude. What are the benefits of cardiac rehab? Live longer and lessen your chances of another heart attack Control heart disease symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath Stop or reverse damage to the blood vessels in your heart Lessen the physical and emotional effects of heart disease Improve your stamina and strength, getting you back to your usual activities, including work, hobbies, and regular exercise Improve your confidence and well-being Does insurance cover cardiac rehab? Most insurance plans will cover cardiac rehab, but it is important to check your insurance plan to determine copays or other requirements. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU The goal of the Morris County Hospital Rehab Center is to provide quality care with an emphasis on individual, personalized service. Rest assured, our highly trained staff is constantly learning, applying, and practicing the most modern and successful methods in the physical, occupational, and speech therapy fields. Your return to good health is our common goal. MCH Rehab Center Phone: 620.767.6811 Address: 600 North Washington Street, Council Grove, KS 66846 Return to MCH Rehab Ce nter Return to All MCH Services
- Staff | MCH... Morris County Hospital
MCH Medical Staff Our MCH staff is comprised of a team of individuals that care about your medical and health needs and goals. We pride ourselves on a collaborative workplace with a patients first philosophy, and utilize the latest education and technology to ensure our rural community has access to only the best of care. Because we care. ♥️ Active Medical Staff Lora A. Siegle MD, RHC Medical Director located at MCH Medical Clinic, Morris County Hospital Lisa C. Meyer DNP, APRN, FNP-C located at Morris County Hospital, Morris County ED, MCH Convenient Care Deborah Benning PA-C located at MCH Medical Clinic, Morris County Hospital Brett A. Siegle MD located at MCH Medical Clinic, Morris County Hospital Haley Morgan FNP located at MCH Medical Clinic, MCH Clinic White City Melanie S. Byram MD located at MCH Medical Clinic, Morris County Hospital, MCH Clinic Chase County Sydnee P. Nelson MD located at MCH Medical Clinic, Morris County Hospital, MCH Clinic Chase County Carol Coirier PA-C located at MCH Clinic Chase County Rural Nursing is Our Specialty The nurses at Morris County Hospital pride themselves for being well-rounded health care providers. The hospital nurses are certified in: Basic Life Support, Acute Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and Neonatal Resuscitation. Every nurse employed at Morris County Hospital is competent in the Emergency Room, Obstetrics, and Medical-Surgical nursing. Every day the nurses are faced with new experiences to take their career and knowledge to an advanced level of care for patients. Consulting Medical Staff H.R. Boolani MD Cardiology Joel E. Hornung MD Family Practice Patricia Gutowski APRN Nephrology Michael G. Reynolds MD Ophthalmology Felipe Rosso MD Urology Chen H. Chow MD Cardiology Mark R. Wolfe MD General Surgery E.M. Elamin MD Oncology Daniel Samani MD Orthopedics P. Ranaweera MD Cardiology F.V. Bedros MD Nephrology Claudia Perez-Tomayo MD Oncology Steve Short MD Pulmonologist Manhattan Radiology Staff All imaging services offered by Morris County Hospital Radiology are read by the board-certified radiologists of Manhattan Radiology. Kelly Ivester MD Radiology Curtis Mick MD Radiology Greg Welle MD Radiology Hannah Olson MD Radiology Matthew Gish MD Radiology Peterson Laboratory Services Staff Susan Speaks MD, Phd Pathologist David Jaskierny MD Pathologist Dionnee James MD Pathologist
- Patient Forms | MCH... Morris County Hospital
Patient Forms & Information This page contains the complete list of forms for Morris County Hospital. Professionals are available to assure confidential care of your medical records and proper certification of your hospital stay. New Patient Packet Click to download General Patient Forms Financial Assistance for 2024 Living Will Declaration Power of Attorney Direct Access Lab Form Info Release Authorization Care of Minors Authorization Kansas Voter Declination Income & Demographic Data Family Planning Forms Female Health History Birth Control Guide Breast Pump Questionnaire Postpartum Diet Questionnaire Info Exchange Authorization Birth Control Pill Consent Breast Pump Agreement Infant Diet Questionnaire Family Planning Consent Birth Control Patch Consent WIC Responsibilities Toddler Diet Questionnaire HIV Test Consent Birth Control Shot Consent Prenatal Diet Questionnaire Child Diet Questionnaire Immunization / Vaccine Information & Forms Child and Adult immunizations available. Call for appointment! 2023-24 School Requirements Vaccine Consent Form Health Worker Vaccine Visit the CDC's website for immunization information... CDC Immunizations MCH Privacy Policy Notice of Privacy
- MCH Foundation | MCH... Morris County Hospital
On this page... Board of Directors Goals Contribute Committment Golf Benefit Morris County Hospital Foundation The Morris County Hospital Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, was founded in 1987 by the Morris County Hospital Board. The goal of the Foundation is to raise funds for the support of Morris County Hospital and its programs in Morris County and the surrounding areas. Since the beginning, the Foundation has purchased or built three satellite clinics, providing services in Alta Vista, White City, and Cottonwood Falls. The foundation has raised money for the hospital including the latest Emergency Room Expansion/Renovation Project 2018. This project also included the OB Rooms, two ADA Rooms, Helipad Ambulance, and a Secure Room. The Foundation is currently helping to raise funds for a 3D Mammography machine that we hope to purchase in 2023 for the Radiology department. MCH Foundation Mission Statement The Morris County Hospital Foundation is organized for the benefit of the Morris County Hospital. Donation Form MCH Foundation Board of Directors Chad Tischhauser President Angela Schwerdtfeger MCH board Liaison Marsha Tischhauser Stacy Zeigler Executive Director Scott Bankes Sandy Bachura Secretary Dustin Manson Candace Boardman Treasurer Becky Nurnberg MCH Foundation Goals To continue to develop and support the hospital’s outreach through the area clinics. To improve and maintain facilities. To purchase equipment. To develop new health care programs and provide educational materials. To establish and support community wellness and education programs. Your act of kindness will... Help maintain high quality health care in your hospital and area clinics. Increase the availability of vital medical services. Provide you the opportunity to make a major impact on the quality of life in your community. A gift to the Foundation will…. Save you money Because the Foundation is a charitable organization, it is qualified to receive tax deductible* contributions. Depending on your IRS tax bracket, a significant part of your gift may qualify for a direct tax deduction. A large gift may qualify as a tax deduction for up to 5 years. A bequest to the Foundation through your will is an excellent way to benefit others. By supporting health care in your community you can contribute to your community while reducing your tax burden. * Tax deductibility is subject to IRS regulations. Please see your tax advisor for applicabilit y. Donation Form Contribute to your community in a very special way The Morris County Hospital Foundation gives you ways to contribute to your community in a very special way. You can be assured that your donation will provide healthcare for generations to come. There are Tax Deductible* Ways to Support Healthcare Pledge A pledge over a period of years impacts and supports health care in a significant ongoing way. Cash Donation All cash donations throughout the year can be claimed as charitable contributions on your Federal Income Tax* Estate Planning Wills, Charitable Annuity, Charitable Trust, Land. Life Insurance The premium payment on a life insurance policy can be used as a tax deduction* when the Morris County Hospital Foundation is named the recipient of the policy. Memorials A Morris County Hospital Foundation Memorial is a gift to healthcare that keeps on giving. A memorial donation in lieu of flowers is an everlasting gift. The memorial program is a special way to say what is in your heart upon losing someone close to you. This unique service was created to help donors convey their sympathy to bereaved family members in a meaningful way. Upon receiving your donation in memory of a loved one, friend, or business associate, the foundation will send a letter to the family of the deceased notifying them of your gift. Your expression of concern will convey your thoughtfulness better than any other gesture could. Memorial gifts are tax deductible*. Your memorial donation can be directed to the area that means the most to you, either a specific unit or department, or to the area designated by the family of the deceased. You may be assured that your gift will help provide quality, compassionate health care for your family and friends for generations to come. * Tax deductibility is subject to IRS regulations. Please see your tax advisor for applicabilit y. Donation Form Commitment The strength of the Morris County Hospital is built on the commitment of our qualified physicians and staff. Family medicine is our focus and we are devoted to healing and serving the community. Medical services are available at the hospital and clinics. Our effort to reach out to surrounding communities has been a valuable resource. We are fortunate to have top quality staff and a progressive facility. This combination gives our area a cornerstone to be proud of. With your support we will be able to provide quality healthcare for generations to come. For more information on how to give a gift to the Morris County Hospital, contact the Executive Director, Stacy Zeigler. She would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to talk with you about these options for giving. You can reach her at... Morris County Hospital 600 N Washington Council Grove, KS 66846 (620) 767-6811, Ext. 148 * Tax deductibility is subject to IRS regulations. Please see your tax advisor for applicabilit y. 2023 Golf Tournament Gold Sponsors SPONSORS FOR THE MORRIS COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 26th ANNUAL BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENT, August 19, 2023 The Gold Award Sponsors: Precision Anesthesia Mathis Rehab Centers, LLC Steve and Nancy Morgan Central Mechanical Construction Great Plains Health Alliance KBS Constructors, Inc. Perfection 2 Masonry, Inc. Dr. John D. Alderman, DDS, PA Stormont Vail Thank you to all of the sponsors, volunteers, and golfers who made the 26th Annual Golf Tournament Benefit a HUGE success! Proceeds from the Golf Tournament will be applied towards the Radiology Department’s new 3D Mammography machine. Donation Form For more information on how to give a gift to the Morris County Hospital, contact the Executive Director, Stacy Zeigler. She would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to talk with you about these options for giving. You can reach her by email at or call 620-767-6811, ext. 148.