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Events (38)
- July 13, 2024 | 1:00 PM2-62 E Valley St, Council Grove, KS 66846, USA
- August 29, 2024 | 6:00 PM600 N Washington St, Council Grove, KS 66846, USA
- August 22, 2024 | 6:00 PM600 N Washington St, Council Grove, KS 66846, USA
Blog Posts (36)
- February Newsletter
Happy American Heart Month! With heart disease still ranking as the number one killer of American men and women, it is an important time to know the signs of a heart attack as well as ways to prevent heart disease. Here are a few lifestyle changes that can help reduce your risk for heart disease. 1. Don't smoke or use tobacco 2. Get moving: Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of activity daily 3. Eat a heart-healthy diet Two examples of heart-healthy food plans include the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan and the Mediterranean diet. 4. Maintain a healthy weight Waist circumference can be a useful tool to measure how much belly fat you have. The risk of heart disease is higher if the waist measurement is greater than: 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women. 5. Get quality sleep (at 7 hours a night) 6. Manage stress 7. Get regular health screening tests Important numbers to know-- Your blood pressure, Your cholesterol count, and your A1C . If it's been a while since you've met with your doctor and done some testing, this month is a perfect reminder to get in for that checkup! We are thrilled to introduce Dr. Diane Hunt, a skilled General Surgeon, as the newest member of our team! Originally from Wilsey, Dr. Hunt graduated from Council Grove High School in 1985 before attending the University of Kansas. There, she majored in chemistry and even caught the attention of the Women’s Jayhawks basketball team, joining them for a memorable stint. After completing medical school at KU Med in Kansas City, Dr. Hunt spent two years in clinical training in Wichita before completing a five-year surgical residency. She has been in private practice with Kansas Surgical Consultants since 1999. Dr. Hunt will be seeing patients at MCH on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, bringing extensive knowledge and experience to our surgery team. We are excited to have her with us! We are on our regular schedule for chair yoga at the senior centers. The Council Grove senior center meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 11:00 am, and the White City senior center meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 10:30 am. Everyone is welcome to join us for some great movement! In honor of Heart Health month, we will be talking about how to live A Heart Healthy Lifestyle. Learning more about the risk factors and how we can lower our risk for heart disease. Plus, we will enjoy a delicious lunch and great conversation. Lunch is $6 and you do need to reserve your spot for Wednesday, February 19th at 12:00 pm . You can call 620-767-6811 ext. 148 or email to reserve a spot and with any questions or a topic that you would like added to the schedule. If home maintenance has been difficult this winter, maybe it's time to check out the amenities that come with living in an Assisted Living apartment. We currently have three apartments available. You can call Laverne at 620-767-5600 to set up a time to take a tour and see if this home-style living is the right place for you or your loved one.
- Administrator’s Bi-Weekly Review (February 7th)
Continued Dedicated Service to Our Community For Pay Period Ending February 1st As we head into Super Bowl weekend, I am sure there are some areawide faithful who will begin tailgating in the next twenty-four hours or so and bulldogging it right through to kickoff. I am not that faithful, but I will be thinking of threepeat multiple times until its either achieved (or sadly not). GO CHIEFS! MCH is still seeing some slower utilization of services that can be attributable to our recent cold and/or undesirable weather: Pulmonary Rehab for one. Other services are less desirable because of new year deductible statuses, which make you really need a service to be inclined to pay off the yearly startup patient obligation: Sleep Center and Pain Clinic areas for two. Otherwise, we are gaining back the green numbers that avoided us during the storm of a lifetime. A big THANKS is appropriate for our generous Community which responded with a great turnout to our year’s first Blood Drive on 2-3-2025! And thanks to the volunteers who make this every-other-month event, a success! Though our hospital does not require near all the blood that we collect in these drives, there is a large state-wide demand for these irreplaceable products, and the Blood Center is very grateful for Morris County’s contributions to the blood bank. Our Board has reviewed our first draft of a 2025 Budget, to which some tweaks are being made prior to releasing to managers for reviewing and helping to execute. Following our solid 2024, the plan is to prolong the momentum we gained. Thanks for each of you who daily deliver attentive patient care, and to all of you: do something worth remembering in the next two weeks – AND, again, GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!! Kevin Leeper, CEO
- Health Information Exchange changes
We are pleased to provide our patients with the opportunity to participate in Health Information Exchange (HIE). An HIE provides their participating providers access to health information regardless of where the patient receives care. These participating providers may connect to other participating providers electronic health records to view health information for patients enrolled in the network as they deem necessary. This helps a patient’s providers—primary care practitioners, specialists, hospitals, and clinics—to have ready access to patient health information. For example, if you go to an emergency room or clinic that participates in an HIE network, the healthcare providers would be able to access your health information to help make treatment decisions for you. The following information is made available to participating providers in an HIE: (1) records of allergies and drug reactions; (2) medication and immunization history; (3) transcribed diagnostic and treatment records; (4) procedure records; (5) problem lists and diagnoses; and (6) notes from the patient’s practitioners. Currently your health information is being sent to the KONZA Network HIE and effective February 1, 2025, your health information will be sent to the Commonwell Network. If you have questions, please contact the Business Office, HIM, or MCH Clinic to discuss
Other Pages (32)
- About Us | MCH... Morris County Hospital
On this page... History Board of Directors MCH Foundation MCH Auxiliary About Us Morris County Hospital is a county‑owned, not-for‑profit, 21 bed critical access hospital located in historic Council Grove, Kansas. Personal, high tech care is available to all ages from the newborn to the elderly. We believe the support process is very important to the healing process and we encourage the patient and their family to be involved in decisions and care. Message from the Administration... Welcome to Morris County Hospital. We at Morris County Hospital are dedicated to providing quality healthcare, professionally and compassionately, with the latest in technology. As you navigate our web site you will learn about the quality care, highly trained and compassionate doctors, nurses, and other professional staff as well as the wide range of services that we offer. We are very proud to be recognized as one of the 32 top performing Critical Access Hospitals in the nation.There are 1,300 Critical Access Hospitals and we are ranked by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid as one of the top 32 based on National performance benchmarks. Morris County and the surrounding areas are very fortunate to have as wide a range of healthcare services and highly qualified professional staff available locally. We thank you for trusting us to care for you and your loved ones. Kevin A. Leeper CEO, Morris County Hospital Our History In 1917 the first hospital of Morris County was established by Dr. Bert Elba Miller. It was called the Council Grove Hospital. It was an old house remolded with 10 patient rooms and staffed by Dr. B. E. Miller and two nurses, Bell Benson, RN and Gladys Stillman, RN. Over the years Doctors James Woodmansee and C.C. Kerr joined him in practice in the county Dr. William McCunniff, Dr. Roy Drake, Dr. Robert W. Blackburn & Dr. B.A. Yost. On the hospitals first board of trustees appointed by the County Commissioners were Frank Warnica, George Blythe, W.E. Hembrow, and R.E. Griffith. An architect was hired July 1947 to draw plans for a hospital on North Washington Street, Council Grove. A petition circulated requesting that the county take over the Dr. Miller Hospital. F. D. Ferguson was instrumental in this petition and presented it to the County Commissioners, on October 11, 1948. The Commissioners rejected the request but reversed the decision in December 1948. The county took over the operations of the Council Grove Hospital (Dr. Miller’s Hospital) in January 1949. After 8 years of planning the Hospital on the hill was started. The project was to cost $419,885. May 1953 the hospital received $167,954 in Federal Funding and $253,375 in county funding. The ground breaking was held on May 25, 1953. The building was dedicated August 22, 1954 and patients were moved from the (Miller Hospital) Council Grove Hospital to the Morris County Hospital. Additions were added in 1958, 1978, 1994, 2001, 2006, and 2011. With the addition of physicians, the space was running out. There were great changes in technology in health care since the 1960’s. Back then, nearly all hospitals were 100 percent inpatient services. Times had changed; 80-85% of patients were treated as outpatients in 2000. On March 15, 2001 Ground Breaking Ceremony of the Morris County Hospital Renovation/Expansion Project was held for the largest expansion project. The renovation project estimated at 6.3 mil. took three years. In 2007, the Morris County Hospital became a Critical Access Hospital. In February 2007 the Foundation held a Capital Campaign. The Campaign funds to be used to purchase the Electronic Medical Records System, CT Scanner, Mammography Machine, PACS system (Picture Archival Computer System) MRI and an addition to the Family Health Center to accommodate the physicians, patients and staff. Morris County Hospital continues to keep up with modern technology and provide services at our hospital so patients don’t have to travel great distance for care and therapy. Board of Directors David Senne Chairman Steve Morgan Angela Harris Vice Chairman Rita Noll Heather Honas Secretary Marty Wright Morris County Hospital Foundation The Morris County Hospital Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, was founded in 1987 by the Morris County Hospital Board. The goal of the Foundation is to raise funds for the support of Morris County Hospital and its programs in Morris County and the surrounding areas. Since the beginning, the Foundation has purchased or built three satellite clinics, providing services in Alta Vista, White City, and Cottonwood Falls. The foundation has raised money for the hospital including the latest Emergency Room Expansion/Renovation Project 2018. This project also included the OB Rooms, two ADA Rooms, Helipad Ambulance, and a Secure Room. The Foundation is currently helping to raise funds for a 3D Mammography machine that we hope to purchase in 2023 for the Radiology department. MCH Foundation Mission Statement The Morris County Hospital Foundation is organized for the benefit of the Morris County Hospital. Learn More... Donation Form For more information on how to give a gift to the Morris County Hospital, contact the Executive Director, Stacy Zeigler. She would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to talk with you about these options for giving. You can reach her by email at or call 620-767-6811, ext. 148. Morris County Hospital Auxiliary The Morris County Hospital Auxiliary was founded in 1986. The goal was to make positive supporting contributions to the hospital and the community by helping assist the staff in providing the best patient care possible. MCH Auxiliary Mission Statement The purpose of the Morris County Hospital Auxiliary shall be to act as an advocate for the Morris County Hospital. The Auxiliary shall assist the Hospital Staff in promoting the health and welfare of the community and shall engage in fund raising activities to benefit the Hospital. What kind of activities & projects does the Auxiliary sponsor? Pediatric Projects Every child who is a patient at Morris County Hospital receives a pediatric bag with a stuffed toy or color books and crayons. The toy choice depends on age appropriateness. Scholarships The Auxiliary awards two scholarships to Morris County students who are pursuing careers in a medically related field such as Nursing, Lab, Radiology, Physical Therapy, Etc. Scholarship applications can be picked up from an auxiliary member at Morris County Hospital. Education Each year, the Auxiliary along with the hospital staff choose an educational topic to present to the community. Fund Raisers The Auxiliary raises money in order to buy items needed by the hospital through fund raising events throughout the year: Gift Shop - all proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to fund hospital projects. Bake-less Sale - you may make a donation instead of baking. R.A.D.A Cutlery Sales Who can join the Auxillary? You may call the hospital information desk or contact any Auxiliary member and they can provide you with information. The dues are $5.00 a year (payable to Membership Chairman). Meetings are held the last Monday of each month, at 9:30 a.m. in the Eberle Conference Room at the Morris County Hospital. Members and guests are always welcome to attend. For more information, or to become a member please call 620-767-6811.
- Billing & Payment | MCH... Morris County Hospital
On this page... Insurance Motor Accidents Workers Comp Standard Charges Billing Info Billing & Payment Information Pay Bill Here Click button to the left to get started. AblePay Health Program is a way that our patients can save up to 13% on their out-of-pocket medical expenses (deductibles and coinsurance). As a member, you have flexible payment options on every bill and the full support of AblePay’s billing experts if you have a question. The program is NO-COST and works with any primary health insurance, including Medicare. You can also include family members on your AblePay account. AblePay Customer Service Phone : 484-292-4000 AblePay Customer Service Email : Please feel free to contact us at 620-767-6811, ext 325 with questions. We accept payments by mail, phone, or in person as well. Quick Pay Payment Solution Pay Bill Here The link below provides another option for our patients to make online payments for their accounts here at MCH. Please follow the prompts as they will guide you through the process. Should you have any questions or issues with this payment solution please contact our office at 620-767-6811, extension 325. Paying for Your Care Thank you for choosing Morris County Hospital, we are pleased that you and your physician have chosen us to help with your medical needs. This information has been compiled to help assist you in understanding the process and responsibilities of billing for services and care while you or your loved ones have been here. Please be advised that in addition to a bill for our services, you may also receive a bill for other professional services while a patient here (i.e. from your physician, or consulting physicians, radiologist, etc.) Questions? Our Patient Accounts staff will be happy to respond to questions about your bill, insurance correspondence, or payments. To reach us call 620-767-6811, Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5 pm. Payment Arrangments If you need to make arrangements to pay your bill or help with securing a loan from a local bank, please contact our Patient Accounts individual at 620-767-6811 ext 325. Financial Assistance Morris County Hospital offers a Financial Assistance Program that provides medical care free for patients who qualify based upon income guidelines. For assistance please contact either Patient Accounts at 620-767-6811 ext 325. Application for Financial Assistance Insurance Insurance Requirements Before hospitalization or use of outpatient services, you are responsible for meeting any special requirements of your insurance plan, such as prior approval, referrals, pre-certification, or obtaining a second opinion. If you have insurance that requires you to contact your Primary Care Physician prior to going to the emergency room, you are responsible for calling your physician for approval. Most insurance plans have special steps which must be followed unless you are seeking treatment for a life-threatening condition. Referral forms must be submitted to your insurance company by your physician. In most cases, the hospital is not allowed to provide referral forms. Insurance plans are quite different and you need to know your plan requirements. If they are not met, your benefits can be greatly reduced or denied by your insurance company. For questions on the above issues, please consult your insurance company, or our Admissions Department at 620-767-6811 ext. 325. Insurance Filing Morris County Hospital will file your insurance claim for you. Because of special requirements by insurance companies and frequent changes in the requirements, it is necessary for us to have a copy of your current insurance card. When we file your insurance, we will send you a summary of the charges being filed, if you require an itemized bill, please contact us. We will ask your insurance company to send payment directly to the Morris County Hospital, allowing your insurance company time to process and pay your bill. If payment has not been received within six weeks of the filing date, you will be billed for the unpaid balance. Motor Vehicle Accidents If you sustain an injury associated with a motor vehicle accident you must provide Morris County Hospital with information on your motor vehicle insurance carrier. Please notify our billing department when a claim number has been assigned. You must report your injury to your own motor vehicle insurance carrier. Kansas law requires claims related to injuries occurring as a result of ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle to be filed with a motor vehicle insurance. Any claim for an injury arising from contact with a motor vehicle, even if the vehicle is not moving, must first be filed with your motor vehicle insurance. Most health insurance plans will not consider the claim until it has been filed with the motor vehicle insurance. Worker’s Compensation Injuries If you believe you have a work-related injury, you are required to provide Morris County Hospital with the name and address of your employer. You must report the accident to your employer within 24 hours. Failure to do so may result in loss of benefits. Health insurance plans generally will not pay claims determined to be work related. Morris County Hospital Standard Charges To improve price transparency, all U.S. hospitals and health systems are required to provide lists of standard hospital charges ― also called a chargemaster ― so patients can compare prices across hospitals. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind as you view the list of standard charges (chargemaster). These charges are rarely the price that patients pay. The chargemaster lists the dollar amount set for each service prior to insurance contract/benefit plan discounts or self-pay discounts being applied, so the price patients pay tends to be less than the standard charge. Hospital charges differ from patient to patient for the same service depending upon variations in treatment. Patients who are eligible for financial assistance also receive additional discounts. Items included in a charge vary across hospital systems. For example, what’s included in one hospital’s charge for room and board may differ from another hospital’s charge ― some hospitals bundle services together into a single charge that others may list separately. Looking at various hospital charges does not provide any indication of quality of service and outcomes. Price Transparency Tool & Information Video Instructions to use the Price Transparency Solution For the most accurate estimate of the cost of care, patients can contact Morris County Hospital at or call 620-767-6811 for assistance in understanding the charges and related costs for a procedure or visit. Kevin Leeper, CEO 620-767-6811, Extension 146 Ron Christenson, CFO 620-767-6811, Extension 120 Billing Information Morris County Hospital strives to serve you in an effective and efficient manner. We realize that financial concerns can add to the stress of any medical need. This information is supplied to assist you in settling your accounts. Office Hours: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Medical Bill Rights A summary statement of your account is mailed every four weeks. An itemized bill is available upon request. After all insurances have paid on the accounts, payment in full is requested. Payments on accounts can be made via cash, personal checks, or by money orders. For your convenience MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Card are also accepted. MCH is now offering online bill payments as well. Your account statements will indicate how to process those payment options. For self pay patients (those without any insurance coverage) we offer a 15% discount for payment in full upon receipt of the first statement. If you are not able to pay the balance of your account in full upon receipt of your first statement, please contact Patient Accounts at 620-767-6811 and ask for extension 325. For those individuals that qualify, Morris County Hospital has a Financial Assistance Policy to help patients that do not have the resources to pay for the healthcare services that they have received. Please contact Patient Accounts if you want to learn more about this policy. (Click here for Income guidelines and application for assistance. ) Should you believe that your insurance company has not paid in accordance with your health plan policy, please contact your insurance company before calling Morris County Hospital. Further Billing Questions? Call (620) 767-6811 Ext. 325 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30pm for Medicare, Blue Cross, and Medicaid All other insurance, including auto accidents and workers compensation or Private-pay accounts or to set up a payment plan on a current account
- MCH - Morris County Hospital | Rural Kansas Healthcare... We Care!
Morris County Hospital Healthcare Click here to self-enroll in our Patient Portal Beginning September 1, 2024 Copay will be collected at time of service Quick Links Services Locations Patient Portal Pay Bill Standard Charges HOME-Navigation-01-We HOME-Navigation-02-Primary HOME-Navigation-05-Specialty HOME-Navigation-01-We 1/5 Medical Professional and Stetoscope Blood Pressure Exam Brain Scan Medical Professional and Stetoscope 1/5 At Morris County Hospital, We are proud that Morris County Hospital stands as a beacon of healthcare excellence in the greater Council Grove area community. As a county-owned, not-for-profit hospital, our 21-bed critical access hospital is on a mission to provide personal, high-tech care to individuals of all ages, from the tiniest newborns to the wisest among us. At Morris County Hospital, patient-centered care isn't just a phrase; it's a way of life. Morris County Hospital understands that healthcare is not one-size-fits-all. Every patient is unique, and their medical needs vary. That's why we are dedicated to offering personalized care to individuals across the lifespan. Whether you're a new parent seeking care for your newborn or a senior citizen requiring specialized attention, our skilled healthcare professionals are here to meet your needs. In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, staying up-to-date with the latest medical technology is paramount. At Morris County Hospital, we take pride in our commitment to high-tech care. From advanced diagnostic equipment to cutting-edge treatment options, we leverage technology to enhance the quality of care we deliver. This ensures that patients receive the most effective and efficient treatment available. We recognize that the healing process extends beyond medical treatment. The support process is just as crucial, and that's why we actively encourage the involvement of both patients and their families in the decision-making and care processes. This collaborative approach fosters trust, open communication, and a sense of empowerment among patients and their loved ones. It ensures that healthcare decisions are made with the patient's best interests in mind and that the patient's voice is heard every step of the way. Morris County Hospital named a Chartis ‘Top 100 Critical Access Hospital in 2023 , embodies the spirit of community-driven healthcare. Our dedication to personal, high-tech care for all ages, coupled with our emphasis on patient and family involvement, sets us apart as a healthcare provider who truly cares about the well-being of our patients. In historic Council Grove, where the past meets the future, Morris County Hospital stands as a pillar of health and healing. With our unwavering commitment to personalized care and cutting-edge technology, Morris County Hospital continues to be a beacon of hope and a source of comfort for the residents of this cherished community. We are here for you from the start to manage your health with clinical expertise and personal care because, at Morris County Hospital, we care. ♥️ MCH Upcoming Events No events at the moment MCH Latest News Read more news jnthibodeaux 2 days ago 1 min read Health Information Exchange changes We are pleased to provide our patients with the opportunity to participate in Health Information Exchange (HIE). An HIE provides their... 2 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked rgensman Sep 24, 2024 1 min read 2024 Community Health Assessment Thank you to those that participated in the 2024 Community Health Assessment for Chase and Morris Counties. Please see the attached... 30 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked jnthibodeaux Aug 16, 2024 1 min read Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage With Medicare enrollment just around the corner, October 15th through December 7th, it is important to understand the options available... 22 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked