Spring is definitely in the air with longer days of daylight ahead and, Spring Break, with its time-off-tug on a few of our staff and providers, is now in our review mirror. It was a quieter week, business wise during Spring Break, but not quite the lull we have experienced in the past. We enjoyed a nice flow of residents during our 3-D Mammo Open House last week and that new service has been greeted with a pent up demand wanting to utilize the better technology during its first couple weeks of being operational! Our other new service, Pulmonary Rehab has been very busy as well, and Vanessa has already reached her weekly visit targets after only a few weeks of operation.
Another new patient service, this one being offered by our revenue cycle team and called AblePay, was introduced recently and has secured at least eight participants in its early going. You can learn more about this service on our website and I think it will be a beneficial program for lots of our patients as they deal with their coinsurance payment obligations.
A busy week is ahead as we prepare for our monthly Board meeting, preceded this month with a review of our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, which we conducted nearly three years ago – time certainly flies. We expect to fine tune some of the goals that may need to be redirected since lots has changed in our market over the last three years. That and we have four new Board members since conducting that latest Plan. We hope to have a good discussion.
As I am sure many of you are enjoying the heating up of March Madness this weekend, I also remind you that coming up is Holy Week, and I hope you take some time to count the Blessings that our loving Lord has offered to us who follow Him.
A big thanks to all who strive to make our Hospital remain the local place of choice for healthcare needs. Have a great week with all that is going on.
